Please introduce yourself, where are you based and where do you photograph wildlife?
My name is Joe Gliozzo and I live on the New Jersey shore in the U.S. For the most part, most of my wildlife photography is done within 200 miles of where I live but a few times a year I take clients to destinations outside my area. Some of those destinations include Canada (Newfoundland and Ontario) and Florida. I will be expanding that in the coming years. The New Jersey coast is a great spot if you like to photograph birds. The winter months bring us snowy owls from the arctic, short-eared owls and northern harriers from Canada and a whole lot of other birds of prey which I enjoy most. Spring brings us migrating warblers and osprey while summer is mostly for shorebirds. Fall brings the migration back south through our area too so there are plenty of opportunities here.
What got you started in Wildlife Photography?
I became interested in wildlife photography a long time ago when my brother, who is an avid birder, came to visit. He wasn't much of a photographer but really knew his birds. At that time my interests were mostly landscapes but one day out with him hooked me on birds. Prior to landscapes, the thing that really got me started in photography was rock and roll concerts. I grew up in New York City and at 15 years old I started going to all the shows with my dad's Nikon camera. I was able to preserve most of those images and still to this day they are very good sellers on my website. In addition, they have been published many times.
Is there one subject that you’ll happily photograph again and again?
My favorite subjects to Photograph are owls and red foxes. Nothing gives me more enjoyment than searching for the elusive birds in the woods and being surprised when I locate one. In the spring. red fox kits are born and if I have a location to create images of the babies, I will spend a lot of time there.
Can you tell us about the challenges you face as a wildlife photographer?
As far as challenges go, when you enjoy photographing owls, you will usually be dealing with low light situations because that's when they become most active. Another challenge for sure would be all the time put in the field to locate subjects and a large percentage of that time you will come up empty.
How do you enrich your passion of wildlife photography in order to keep it fresh and exciting?
I very seldom lose interest in what I do but when that time comes, I will make plans to travel to other parts of the world with my gear in tote!